Nutrition can play an important role in alleviating Joint Pain
One of the most common types of joint pain is knee pain… and one of the most common types of knee pain is called patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) or simply patellofemoral syndrome. It is often referred to as “runner’s knee” but could just as easily be called “sitter’s knee” as it often affects people who sit for a living, such as office workers. In fact, almost anyone can develop patellofemoral pain syndrome. The actual causes of PFPS are unknown but any exercise that minimises stress on the knee can be effective in reducing the pain and this would include knee exercises in pools.
Eating a healthy, nutrition-based diet that includes healthy fats (several servings per week), along with plant-based fruits and vegetables may help reduce some of the symptoms of knee joint pain such as arthritis pain, as well as “Runners Knee” syndrome.
The symptoms of arthritis in the joints are stiffness and swelling of the joints. As we age, we may have experienced stiffness in the joints due to normal wear and tear, accidents, knocks or falls. Joint trauma, stress and strain or just simply the everyday effects of use of the joints.
In terms of nutrition to help relieve joint pain, we must look at the natural health benefits in the foods that cause inflammation of joints and also the foods that help arthritis.
Regardless of whether you have some type of arthritis, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis it is very important to pay close attention to your diet for the foods that cause inflammation of joints.
Eating many of the highly processed foods such as candies, soda, ice cream, crackers, breads, pasta and meats means that you are consuming foods that inflame joints. Inflammation can lead to physical pain in the knees and joints and other parts of the body. Often these heavily processed foods that cause joint pain, such aschips and margarine, also contain trans-fats which raise the bad cholesterol levels (LDL) that are associated with other diseases like stroke and heart disease. These are foods that inflame joints.
The foods that cause inflammation of joints in the body are often readily available on the supermarket shelves, with misleading labels. This is where the natural goodness is often replaced or altered in some way and replaced by high levels of salt, sugar and other additives. These additives are often for the purpose of longer shelf life and products are frequently labelled as healthy foods, such as “low-fat” or “diet food”. However, these labels are somewhat misleading as they may be foods that inflame joints. If you suffer from arthritis, you need to avoid foods that cause joint pain at all cost.
Foods to avoid are the foods that contain unnatural chemical additives. These are foods not to eat with arthritis, otherwise joint pain stiffness may occur as a result. They can be foods that help arthritis inflammation develop and therefore will exacerbate joint pain.
The Mediterranean diet has many benefits not only to health and lifestyle, but the diet also includes beneficial foods that are good for your joints.The Mediterranean Diet is based on eating whole plant-based foods such as fish and seafood, fruit, vegetables, legumes and grains, none of which are refined.
The choices are clear, choosing a plant-based diet, or a Mediterranean diet has many benefits.
These are the most beneficial foods for sore muscles and joints…
OILYFISH such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines are all high in the essential omega-3 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties and are excellent foods for joint health. Omega-3 fatty acids help to protect and reduce inflammation in the body.
CRUCIFEROUSVEGETABLES such as broccoli, cauliflower and kale and are all foods that are good for your joints. These foods are excellent foods for joint health because they are high in sulphoraphane which possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Cruciferous vegetables are foods that help with joint inflammation and reduce the symptoms of arthritis.
BLUEBERRIES are full of vitamins, minerals and huge amounts of antioxidant anti-inflammatory nutrients. Strawberries, blackberries and blueberries are all great foods that help arthritis and are all beneficial foods for joint health.
GINGER AND TURMERIC SPICES are well known for blocking inflammatory pathways in the body. These blocking properties inhibit cell damage and may be beneficial foods for joint pain sufferers.
CINNAMON also has high level of anti-inflammatory properties that may help relieve the symptoms of joint pain. Honey and cinnamon are beneficial foods that help arthritis. One tablespoon of honey with one stick of cinnamon and one cup of warm water, mixed together may be a healing drink to include in your diet to treat arthritis symptoms
AVOCADOS are a healthy choice of foods for joint health. Avocados have high anti-inflammatory monounsaturated fatsand are an important food to include in your diet to treat arthritis joint pain.
VITAMIN C FOODS such as oranges, red bell peppers and green leafy vegetable are excellent sources of vitamin C and can help protect and block inflammation in joints. These are good choices to eat often in your diet to treat arthritis.
Many people are looking for foods boosting immune system function
In today’s world it’s not good to have a weak immune system, especially with the presence of the Covid-19 and other common viral infections.
Feeding the body with immune boosting foods can help stave off the dreaded winter cold and flu symptoms.
Immune Boosting Foods
11 Powerful Foods That Help Boost Immune System Function
These are some of the best foods that boost immune system function…
Lemons, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, clementines and limes.
These are some of the best fruits that boost immune system efficacy, especially if you have an immune deficiency.
Foods containing Vitamin C need to be eaten every day as Vitamin C is not stored in the body. However, they are a great source of immune system booster food that’s easy to be included in a meal or taken as a snack. We often look to Vitamin C for combating colds and flu ailments and reach for a squeeze of lemon in a glass of water to relieve the symptoms. We do this because citrus fruits are proven foods that boost your immune system. Vitamin C can help fight infection by increasing the white blood cells in the body. Therefore, choose citrus foods… fruits that boost immune system.
For a great health immune booster, start your day with a squeeze of lemon in a small glass of water as well as grapefruit or orange for an effective boost to your immune system, every day.
The red bell pepper is a wonderful immune system booster because of the high levels of Vitamin C it contains. It is high in nutrition value which makes it a very healthy food as well as an immune system booster. Red bell peppers are one of the best foods for immune system building and their Vitamin C levels, along with being a rich source of beta carotene, aids healthy skin and eyes.
If you are looking for ways to boost immune system function, just simply add red bell peppers to your diet to greatly improve and maintain your health and help strengthen your immune system.
Garlic has been known for many years as a highly nutritious immune system booster food. It contains many health boosting compounds that constitute a rich source of Vitamin C and Vitamin B. Garlic has high levels of Sulfur and contains compounds that play an important role in fighting infections with flu-like symptoms. It’s for these reasons that garlic has been widely used throughout the ages, both as an immune boosting food and as a herbal medicine.
Garlic contains antioxidants that help the body’s immune system to
maintain overall good health. It
is also beneficial for cardiovascular health.
Crushed or sliced garlic is one of the best foods that boost the immune system. However, garlic supplements are also a good immune booster, without the strong taste or aroma of garlic. Add garlic to your diet to strengthen your immune system.
A slow immune system or a weak immune system can improve greatly by adding broccoli to your daily diet, along with other rich glutathione foods such as spinach and avocados. You will not only improve your health, but it will have a beneficial effect on your longevity and your overall immune system.
Broccoli is an immune system booster food which has huge overall health and longevity benefits. Broccoli is part of the rich cruciferous vegetables group which are Sulfur-rich foods that build a strong immune system. These foods have a high concentration of sulforaphane. The compound sulforaphane activates a gene whose primary job is to produce antioxidants and one powerful antioxidant is glutathione, found in broccoli.
As an immune system booster, broccoli contains amino acids that must be obtained through the diet. Amino acids are the building blocks of life and have a vital role to play in maintaining a healthy immune system or boosting a weak immune system. Amino acids also help in muscle development as well as repair muscle damage.
Broccoli is a food that boosts your immune system by its powerful antioxidant protections against ageing and helping to improve cellular damage, while at the same time fighting against free radical damage. To strengthen the immune system, it is therefore important that you take full advantage of the nutritional value of broccoli. Broccoli contains glutathione which is a powerful antioxidant and is a huge immune system booster food, helping to protect the body from diseases such as Alzheimers, heart disease and stroke.
Broccoli helps maintain a strong immune system for high levels of health and well-being.
Spinach is a highly nutritional, value packed leafy green vegetable. It is an immune system booster food which was popularised by “Popeye the Sailor Man” from the 1930’s movie cartoon, in which Popeye would eat lots of spinach thereby developing strong muscles to impress his girlfriend, Olive Oyl.
Spinach is an immune booster food, rich in vitamins A, C and K, iron and magnesium. These nutrients help to strengthen bones, body tissue and skin, hair and eyesight, all helping to boost a low immune system. Spinach helps strengthen the immune system as it helps repel bacteria and viruses. Spinach is an immune system booster food that also protects against eye diseases and cardiovascular diseases. It can help reduce the risk of heart attacks and the thickening of the artery wall, building a strong immune system.
Spinach helps turn food into energy to sustain you throughout the day.
For a low immune system or an immune deficiency, it would be highly recommended that you add spinach to your diet. To gain all the benefits of this powerful leafy green vegetable, you can eat spinach raw in salads, lightly steamed or added to soups for garnish, as well as lightly sautéd with other immune booster vegetables. However, the less cooking the better, to retain all the nutrients.
Spinach is a “must-have” vegetable to add on a regular basis to your diet as it’s one of the best immune-boosting foods.
Ginger has natural, built-in, strong antioxidant properties that boost the immune system. Itis one more of the many immune system booster foods.
Ginger is well known as a defence against cold viruses and other infections with flu-type symptoms, such as chills and fevers. Ginger is a food that actually fuels the immune system and has been used in traditional as well as alternative medicine throughout history. It has been widely used as a natural remedy for stomach pains, nausea, travel sickness as well as to alleviate morning sickness and many other health problems.
Ginger is an immune boosting food and an excellent antioxidant source and works well with dishes where turmericis also included. These two foods work well together, giving a huge boost to the body’s health and well-being, while at the same time helping to build a strong immune system.
Ginger is a great tonic. The raw ginger can be grated into a glass of warm water and taken as a tonic. Ginger is also known to improve immune system health as it helps with inflammatory issues and helps support the cells in the brain where is also helps inhibit against diseases such as Alzheimers and other brain related problems.
Ginger is a natural immune booster and by adding ginger to your diet on a regular basis you can improve a low immune system as it’s one of the best foods for immune system building.
Blueberries are included on our list of immune system booster foods because they are full of antioxidant flavonoids that greatly reduce cell damage and help boost the immune system for better health and well-being. Blueberries are often referred to as a “superfood”, packed with flavour, containing essential nutrients such as potassium, Vitamin C and A and dietary fibre. The blueberry is very small in size but it packs a fantastic punch when it comes to health effects on the body. This is because it can help boost a low immune system as well as protect a strong immune system.
Blueberries can be added to breakfast meals, added to smoothies along
with yoghurt or just eaten on their own as a small snack.
Turmeric has been long known as one of the most effective immune system booster foods. It has been well known for its anti-inflammatory benefits for centuries. Curcumin, the yellow orange component, is the active ingredient in turmeric. It’s a powerful spice that is mainly used in curries, stews, sauces and other dishes and has widely been used throughout Asia.
Turmeric is an immune booster and has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine for providing benefits to those suffering depression, anxiety, mood, stress or other emotional issues as well as building a strong immune system.
Turmeric’s natural properties have good effects on the immune system, boosting the body’s all-round function. Turmeric has excellent tonic benefits for helping good liver function and may also help remove stones in gallbladder disorders.
Turmeric has one of the highest antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits for improving health as it’s an immune boosting food. It can help those with an immune deficiency or a low immune system by its natural energising protective properties. These protective properties may also be beneficial for fighting cancer cell invasion. Turmeric has many important medicinal properties and gives a natural boost to the immune system.
Turmeric is one of the best foods for immune system strengthening. It helps to eliminate harmful effects from “free radicals” that try to harm the body. It has beneficial effects on digestive disorders, cramps and helps eliminate gasses in the intestine.
Turmeric helps cardiovascular health, which in turn
reduces cholesterol levels. Studies have
shown it also has benefits on cognitive impairment, helping improve memory and
its natural properties fight against Alzheimer’s.
Turmeric has natural medicinal properties that have so many health benefits so why not spice up your life with Turmeric, one of the best immune system booster foods.
To help supercharge your immune system, simply add more turmeric
to your diet on a regular basis, especially during flu seasons and times of
stress and anxiety.
Almonds are immune boosting foods and a good source of nutrition. They are a food that is low in carbohydrates which may help those trying to lose weight, however it is recommended they need to be always taken in small portions. They exhibit antioxidant benefits, supporting the immune system, helping protect the body against the risk of heart disease. Almonds are high in fat, but it is good monounsaturated fat, which has cardio-protective properties.
Almonds are one of the many foods that help restore a weak immune
Gut Health is incredibly important for maintaining a healthy immune system. A low immune system can become a strong immune system by eating a healthy, well-balanced diet with regular natural yogurt.
Good health is reliant on immune system booster foods that will help support strong bones, skin, hair, nails and give us energy and balance our weight, mood and diet. Natural Yogurt gives a powerful benefit to the body’s health, enabling the digestive system to function properly.
Natural Yogurt has great benefits for the immune system as it is one of the best sources of probiotics. The probiotics in yogurt are gut-friendly bacteria that aid and dictate our health. Yogurt is a dairy-fermented milk product that provides both calcium and protein. Its health benefits help protect against osteoporosis, heart disease and issues around weight. If there is an imbalance in the gut bacteria, this will lead eventually to an immune deficiency and many health problems.
Healthy bacteria help to turn on enzymes that will create a healthy gut and boost the immune system to fight off unhealthy bacteria such as fungus related infections as well as other health issues. Yogurt’s friendly bacteria help break down food as it enters the gut, absorbing the nutrients into the body. This helps to fight off any unfriendly, harmful organisms that could potentially cause infections, diseases, diarrhoea or other issues.
Look for a natural Greek yogurt, high in probiotics, that has a “live
and active cultures” seal as this will help build a strong immune system.
Green tea has been widely used throughout Japan, China and India and its origins are known to date back 3000 years. There is a great correlation between drinking green tea and the improvement to health and it has a direct effect on the body’s immune system.
The benefits of drinking Green tea are numerous. Chinese traditional medicine long held the
view that drinking Green tea helped relieve the body’s aches and pains,
improved digestion and had a detoxification effect, thus improving quality of
Drinking Green tea two or three times a day can provide valued benefits
for a healthier lifestyle.
Green tea has natural antioxidants called
flavonoids that help to prevent cell damage in the body. It is also beneficial to those who want to
lose weight because it helps improve the body’s metabolic capabilities and
increase fat burning and weight maintenance. It may also help those with Type 2 Diabetes.
Drinking Green tea helps improve health for those with a weakimmunesystem.
The antioxidants in green tea help promote heart health, thereby reducing the risks of high blood pressure and stroke. These antioxidants help improve and regulate blood pressure function and cholesterol levels, thereby strengthening the immune system. Green tea is an immune booster food that greatly reduces inflammation damage which can have an effect on the reduction of tumour incidences lowering the risks of cancer. It also helps reduce risk of bacterial infections and viral diseases.
Drinking green tea is one of the best ways to build a strong immune system, while improving heart health by antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, with healing benefits.
Here are some of the immune system boosting teas that may also improve blood pressure:
Try some of the following teas as foods to boost immunity…
Lemon balm tea may help relieve anxiety, insomnia and stress as well as nausea and indigestion. Lemon balm has antiviral properties as well and helping improve cognitive function.
Sage tea may help promote healthy skin cell growth as it is rich in anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants.
Green tea and Black tea.
Hibiscus and Nettle tea, blended together Hibiscus and Nettle tea not only taste great, but they are all-round “immune booster teas”
We should all choose immune boosting foods as these foods are vital for optimum health and nutrition. These “immune system booster foods” provide energy, health and wellbeing, strengthening the overall immune system.
An essential nutrient is one that fulfils the daily nutritional needs that support health
Essential nutrients such as amino acids foods and choline foods have a variety of particularly important essential vitamins for maintaining immune health and wellbeing. It’s all about nutrition value and daily nutrition needs. We all need nutrition foods high in the daily essential nutrients to provide the nutrition required for human body function.
The body relies on six essential nutrients
By knowing what nutrition benefits there are in foods, you can gain a better understanding of all the different food nutrients there are, especially the essential nutrients and various types of nutrition for maintaining a healthy diet.
The six essential nutrients are Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals and Water.
A healthy diet is all about good nutrition and taking in the essential nutrients in foods.
A person’s body is mostly unable to produce anything on its own. Therefore, to function normally, the body needs enough of the six main nutrients for sustainability. These six essential nutrients provide the dietary requirements the body needs for good health.
What nutrition foods do is supply the body with adequate nutrients to fuel energy, growth, and build immune health to support immune system function. They can provide an immune defence against disease.
Essential nutrients are the various substances… compounds or elements found within foods that, when eaten, can produce growth and development, sustain energy, while providing ongoing support to the immune system. These important food nutrients help develop a strong defence against disease.
You may wonder why you need to rely on an essential diet of healthy foods, rich in food nutrients, to function and maintain health. These essential nutrients strengthen the immune system, creating an immune defence system to sustain life itself, as well as ward off disease.
What benefit is there in having an essential diet rich in nutrients?
As there are a variety of different essential nutrients, these nutrients are separated into two distinct categories… essential micronutrients and essential macronutrients. These provide the foundational major nutrients the body needs to support health.
Micronutrients and Macronutrients
The micronutrients and macronutrients are the main nutrients that provide and sustain health.
Essential micronutrients are those nutrients the body needs to be consumed only in small quantities at a time. These essential food nutrients are the important Vitamins and Minerals that help support immune system function and help to ward off disease by building up your immune system defence.
Essential macronutrients need to be eaten in much larger quantities as they are the major nutrients that provide the building blocks to a healthy diet.
Examples of Nutrients
It’s important to know what nutrition and which nutrients are in these important essential macronutrients. These food nutrients are protein, carbohydrates, and the essential fats. These important essential nutrients maintain the body’s energy levels.
[picture and caption]…
Healthy foods are good sources of nutrients that the body needs for immune health.
The benefits of these six nutrients are:
Proteins help build strong bones for strength and endurance
Carbohydrates provide energy to sustain activity
Healthy Fats are essential for supporting cholesterol levels
Vitamins boost immunity due to their antioxidant benefits
Minerals are needed for immune system function
Water is essential for survival as up to 70% of body components consist of water
The key nutrients form part of essential diet foods that sustain a healthy body.
Proteins represent essential food nutrients for all cell tissues. Protein is one of the essential diet food elements that provides the important basic nutrients that will help sustain good health.
Protein food supports your daily nutrition needs. It is one of the daily essential nutrients that every healthy diet includes. Proteins are essential for building strong bones and strengthening muscles. It’s an important major nutrient the body requires for maintaining skin, hair, and cell growth.
There are a variety of amino acids foods such as fish, avocado etc. These provide particularly important nutrients and constitute a major source of nutrition. They are the essential nutrients for body function that support long term health.
Fish, meat, and eggs are all excellent amino acids foods as these contain one of the key nutrients to maintain growth, support health and provide for daily nutrition needs.
Carbohydrates are one of the primary nutrients They are beneficial food nutrients that help fuel the body and support both brain function and the central nervous system, all the while protecting and strengthening immune defence against disease. Carbohydrate foods are excellent sources of nutrients that the body needs for daily nutrition.
Some nutritionists even suggest that carbohydrates are essential food and that about 45% – 65% of your daily calorie intake should come from eating carbohydrates.
Healthy carbohydrate foods are good sources of nutrients and include low carb foods.
Choose healthy options when looking for healthy carbohydrate foods. Look for fiber-rich foods, fruits, and vegetables (except potatoes), whole grain foods, quinoa, whole wheat breads, oats, rye, barley, as these all provide the major nutrients for supporting health.
Healthy fats are nutrition rich foods.
Monounsaturated Fat
Monounsaturated fat helps reduce heart disease. Monounsaturated fats help protect organs. They can also lower heart disease and cholesterol levels.
If you are looking to reduce your risk of heart disease, it’s important to reduce your intake of saturated fats to the healthier monounsaturated fat foods.
To help maintain good levels of cholesterol, choose healthy fat food nutrients. Good examples of fats include extra virgin olive oil, avocados, nuts, almonds as these benefit heart health and the immune system.
Omega-3 Fats
Healthy omega-3 fats can be found in sardines, herring, and salmon.
Vitamins help boost immunity
A healthy diet relies on foods packed with essential vitamins and minerals, as they are the essential nutrients the body needs to support health. The best immune system booster foods include vitamins.
The body needs thirteen essential vitamins…
A well-balanced diet needs to include a variety of these thirteen essential vitamins.
These thirteen essential vitamins and all vitamins are essential for the body to function. Vitamins are vital nutrients that help ward off disease, keeping the immune system healthy and strong. Vitamin food nutrients have important antioxidant benefits.
There are two distinct types of vitamins…
When the body ingests water soluble vitamins, it expels anything it does not absorb. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12 and vitamin C are all important vitamins for the body that support the immune system.
Vitamins have important antioxidant benefits for supporting the immune system, overall health, and wellbeing.
The body only takes what it needs. Any leftovers are then stored within the liver and the tissue walls, keeping them in reserve.
Vitamins A, D, E, and K are all important essential vitamins for body health and wellbeing.
Healthy sources of vitamins:
Healthy sources of vitamins include fruits and vegetables including leafy greens, spinach, broccoli, red peppers, legumes, cabbage, beetroot, milk, cheese, yoghurt, lean meat, poultry, oily fish, and healthy nuts such as almonds and cashews in moderation, along with whole grain foods such as quinoa, oats, and barley.
As with vitamins, a healthy diet should include a variety of essential minerals to support a healthy immune system. They are both major nutrients as they enable the body to stay hydrated.
Minerals and vitamins are essential for our metabolic function. We mustn’t underestimate the importance of minerals in our body. Mineral packed foods provide essential nutrition for survival.
Mineral foods having calcium, zinc and iron contain especially important food nutrients for growing strong bones and teeth, along with helping to regulate blood pressure.
Zinc has antioxidant benefits that help strengthen immunity against disease. It helps maintain a strong immune defence, helping wounds and infections to heal faster.
Water is vital for life itself
Last but not least, water is a vital nutrient, essential for life itself. Without adequate water, dehydration can occur, and the body’s immune system could be at significant risk. Staying hydrated is important. You could go without food for a few days, but water is an essential nutrient, as it’s a critical contributor to overall immune health and staying immune from disease.
Water enables all the essential nutrients from fruits and vegetables to distribute throughout the body. The body is entirely dependent on regular supplies of vital nutrients through regularly eating different types of nutrition… foods rich in essential vitamins and foods with minerals. It is unable to store water for its future use.
It’s important to eat lots of fruits and vegetables because nutrients in foods distribute the essential vitamins and all the important essential minerals the body needs to function. Water helps lubricate the immune cells, avoiding dehydration and preventing constipation.
Lemons are one of the healthiest fruits to eat, possessing many health benefits, especially for the immune system. A lemon is small in size but represents a powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals. Lemons are extremely rich in nutrition, vitamin C and are full of antioxidants.
What are the Health Benefits of Lemon?
Lemon juice is an immune boosting food with natural antioxidant benefits, rich in vitamin C and nutritious.
1. Lemon juice aids digestion
Lemon juice helps wake up the digestive system and is a great substitute for coffee or tea. It is not only a delicious drink but an immune system support. It helps protect the cells from damaging free radicals. It can aid digestion and ease tummy upsets, as well as improving overall mood, wellbeing and health, as it strengthens immune system function.
For an immune system boost, try taking a hot water and lemon drink as it will not only have soothing immune system benefits but will greatly improve digestion, helping you to stay hydrated.
2. Lemons fight against colds, flu and viruses
Lemon juice is rich in Vitamin C, as are a lot of other citrus fruits.
Lemon juice will help strengthen, cleanse and invigorate your body, giving it an enhanced boost of Vitamin C.
It is recommended for those with a weak immune system, or an immune deficiency, to increase their intake of citrus fruits daily, to give their health a boost. This will protect the cells, helping to fight off coughs, colds and flu-type symptoms. Lemon juice can also ease and loosen chest congestion, thereby by easing breathing difficulties.
Lemon makes it easier for breathing pathways to function normally, putting less strain on the heart and lungs (opening up the breathing pathways). A squeeze of lemon juice over a freshly tossed nutrient-based salad, along with a lightly grilled piece of fish, is an excellent way to strengthen and boost your immune system.
3. Lemon Juice helps fight bacterial infections
Lemon juice’s natural antibacterial properties help fight against bacterial infections, as well as preventing further damage due to throat infections. Lemon juice also has benefits for urinary tract infection, because of its natural diuretic properties. It is important to eat well and add lemon juice to your daily diet as you will have a better chance of fighting off infections, due to the beneficial bacterial properties of lemons.
4. Lemons help to lose excess weight.
Adding lemon juice to your diet every morning, in a drink of water, will improve your overall diet. Lemon juice puts balance back into your diet, as it helps remove excess weight, and cleanses and removes unwanted waste more easily. Lemon will help reduce water retention as it is a natural diuretic that helps fight against bloating and fluid retention.
To maintain weight and put your diet in balance, use lemon juice as a delicious refreshing drink, or on a salad. It can improve your overall diet, while strengthening your immune system.
5. Lemons aid liver function
A healthy liver is a very important organ, vital for a healthy immune system. Lemon juice has natural stimulant benefits for optimum health and liver function. The natural antioxidants in lemon juice help protect against liver damage by improving the breakdown of fatty foods, while lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Lemon juice has many natural health benefits including helping to cleanse and detox the body, by improving liver function.
Lemon juice not only cleanses but detoxifies the liver, protecting it against damage… helping to build a strong immune system. Lemon juice stimulates liver and bile function enabling fat soluble toxins to be flushed out, helping maintain the liver in good health.
It is recommended to avoid high consumption of fatty foods, alcohol and cocktail drinks, as these cause strain on liver function and have the potential to damage or weaken an already low immune system. Instead, mix your own delicious drinks with lemon juice, combined with your favourite immune-boosting healthy foods.
6. Lemons freshen your breath
Lemon juice is a refreshing drink as well a natural mouth wash. It freshens the breath, washing away bacteria and germs. Due to the bacterial properties in lemon juice, it also freshens chopping boards after cutting cheese, garlic, onions or other strong flavoured foods. Simply wiping down with lemon juice on safe surfaces after use will remove strong food odours.
7. Lemons can reduce the incidence of kidney stones
It has been found that drinking 1/2 a cup of fresh lemon juice, diluted in a glass of water each day, is more likely to reduce the recurrence of kidney stones. Drinking lemon juice, along with adequate daily water, can help flush the kidneys. Lemon juice helps block the formation of kidney stones because of the citrate content.
8. Lemons can improve the appearance of your skin
Lastly, lemon’s antiseptic properties, along with the antioxidant benefits of vitamin C, help the exfoliation of dead cells, as it’s a natural skin astringent that promotes a tightened, smoother-toned skin. Your skin should feel softer, fresher and clean and your hair will look shinier.
Lemons are not only one of the best immune boosting foods, but a wonderful source of vitamin C, potassium and magnesium, all of which play an important role in improving the condition and appearance of your hair, nails and most importantly your skin.
Starting every day with a squeeze of lemon in a glass of water enhances the immune system, allowing the body to wake up the digestive system so that unwanted toxins can be flushed through. This not only increases your body’s energy levels but allows you to feel more hydrated, fresh and revived.
Drink Lemon Water in the Morning
Lemon juice is one of the best immune boosting foods. It can be freshly squeezed over a salad or into a glass of water first thing in the morning… this will decrease acidity in the body. To boost your immune system, especially during the colder months, drinking a glass of warm water first thing in the morning, with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice (and perhaps a dash of honey) will greatly enhance the immune system. Lemons are one of the healthiest fruits that you can add to your diet every day to provide a health boost.
When lemon juice is added to a diet on a regular basis it has huge benefits to health and the immune system.
Whether they are used whole, grated for their peel, crushed, juiced or squeezed over a healthy salad, or used in deserts, lemons pack a powerful punch when it comes to maintaining health and controlling a well-balanced immune system.
Quinoa is, without doubt, one of the healthiest foods on the planet. It is an ancient grain from the Andes mountains in South America.
Traditionally, quinoa was an important grain crop, grown extensively throughout the Peruvian Andes region for many centuries, as it was a staple healthy food for their indigenous people. Cooking quinoa was popular as it was very versatile food that could be cooked in many different ways.
Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is from the tall leafy Goosefoot flowering plant family, and is grown for its tiny nutrient-rich edible seeds. It’s for this reason that quinoa is technically a seed, not a grain, which it how it is often referred to, because it’s not gathered from a cereal grass like wheat, rye or oats.
Quinoa is a complete food in itself and comes in many different colours, such as white, black, red, and yellow, supplied either separately or mixed.
Gluten free quinoa can be eaten on its own as a complete meal, or easily mixed with many other delicious foods.
Quinoa’s nutritional value has been well known over centuries and was grown widely as a healthy, sustainable food source that is now on the superfoods list.
Because Quinoa has a very high nutritional value, the health benefits of quinoa have become more recognised in recent years and quinoa dishes are growing rapidly in popularity. In fact, in the past 10 years, it has become hugely popular because of its versatility, not only in cooking but also as a replacement for gluten-based products.
Cooking quinoa is easy and there are so many different recipes for quinoa, as it’s very versatile and can be added to many regular dishes.
Quinoa has recently been used as an alternative for wheat-based breads and pastas for those who are gluten intolerant.
Cooking quinoa makes the perfect food as an alternative to gluten, gluten-free products or refined foods such as breads and pastas which can cause so many health issues for those who have intolerances to wheat products.
The benefits of quinoa are that it can be a replacement to wheat for gluten-intolerant people.
Gluten-free quinoa is a natural whole food that’s not only rich in plant fibre and protein but hasn’t been altered in anyway. Cooking quinoa brings out the full health benefits of quinoa, without any of the side effects of other gluten or gluten-free products.
More and more people are looking for healthy options to wheat-based foods and gluten free quinoa is the complete healthy food alternative.
Quinoa is packed with nutrition, with all of the nine essential amino acids which the body transforms into protein. Your body needs to be fed these essential amino acids, through a healthy diet, as it cannot produce protein by itself.
This is where quinoa nutrition is so important if you wish to maintain a healthy diet. Gluten free quinoa is packed with essential rich nutrients such as fiber, iron, vitamins A and B, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, for premium health. It is a delicious alternative to rice and pasta.
Cooking quinoa is a quick and easy way to add lots of quinoa nutrition to your diet if your body is needing a boost.
Quinoa can be added, not only to salad dishes in summer but to good winter warming soups and all-in-one vegetable pot dishes can easily include quinoa for a nutrient boost during colder months. Eating quinoa not only helps increase a feeling of fullness but strengthens bone health, along with reducing blood sugar levels.
Quinoa is a powerhouse of protein because it contains all nine of the essential amino acids the body requires for optimum health and nutrition. It’s for this reason when you have a rich balanced diet with a good variety of other beneficial plant-based proteins, you have a complete quinoa protein meal.
This perfect quinoa seed is one of the best superfoods to include for all-round good health.
The benefits of quinoa are immense because it’s a complete protein food and can be added to so many other dishes very easily. The simple quinoa seed is seen as the perfect quinoa wellness food of the future.
Quinoa is a protein packed food and a very versatile dish for alternatives for rice, pasta etc.
Quinoa is one of the best superfoods to eat because it’s a complete protein food and is paired with other beneficial plant-based proteins.
Vegans enjoy quinoa as it’s a complete plant-based food, known as the vegan super bowl food, packed with all the essential amino acids the body needs.
The benefits of quinoa for vegans are that it’s a quinoa protein replacement for meat and other foods. Quinoa provides all the nutrients and nutrition vegans need for a healthy feeling of fullness. It can be eaten on its own or mixed with any other meal during the day.
Fiber is necessary for good health. — inadequate fiber in your diet can lead to disease issues.
Good gut health relies on adequate different fibers to aid the digestive system.
The benefits of quinoa are that it’s the perfect replacement for pasta, breads, and rice-based foods. The carbs in quinoa are very beneficial to your health.
Quinoa is one of the important carb-based fibre foods that help feed good gut bacteria that strengthen the immune system, keeping the body healthy. The simple quinoa seed is not only high in fibre compared to other grains but helps promote good gut health which avoids many chronic diseases.
Cooking quinoa will provide a good source of carbohydrates. The carbs in quinoa have a relatively low Gi value ranking. Therefore, quinoa is likely to be digested more slowly and absorbed, giving a far slower rise in blood sugars and insulin levels than some other foods.
The low Gi rating is important because the carbs in quinoa gives the body that fuller feeling for a far longer period of time and this helps in controlling your appetite. Controlling your appetite is a major key benefit leading to longevity and good health.
The correct Quinoa-to-Water ratio
When cooking the perfect quinoa dish, it’s always best to pre-rinse the quinoa seeds in cold water to remove any saponins that may give a bitter taste. The most popular quinoa cooking ratio is 1 to 3… the quinoa is prepared, like rice, in a one-to-three ratio. The quinoa to water ratio is normally 1 cup of dry quinoa to 3 cups of water, depending on how dry or wet you want your quinoa to be.
For the perfect quinoa, add the rinsed seeds to a saucepan with the required water and slowly bring to the boil. Reduce heat so the quinoa stays simmering for about 10 – 15 minutes, stirring while liquid reduces. The perfect quinoa should be light and fluffy, wet, or dry depending on how you like it. When cooked, stir with a fork, allow to cool, or simply add the quinoa to another dish.
When cooking quinoa, you can use water or stock, plus any number of your favourite herbs or spices, as well as garlic or onions for a delicious flavour.
Quinoa is so versatile… it can be eaten with breakfast cereals, added on top of a bowl of diced fruit salad, or added to soups, stews, salads or a simple quinoa dish can be eaten on its own.
Is quinoa good for weight loss?
Well, every healthy food needs to be eaten in moderation. Quinoa is similar to rice. Quinoa, eaten in small amounts, mixed with healthy salads, topped with a delicious piece of salmon, will make for a very healthy main meal.
A small portion of quinoa for your daily dose of carbs, protein and fiber mixed with a small portion of healthy green leafy vegetables would help give you a feeling of fullness with all the health benefits of quinoa.
Why is quinoa good for weight loss?
It’s because quinoa has a low carbohydrate GI value, therefore not only giving you that fullness feeling, but quinoa is more gradually absorbed and digested into the blood stream, providing less of a rise in blood sugar levels.
herefore, quinoa is viewed as a better food of choice for weight loss than other foods that may have a high GI value It’s always wise to check food labels and choose foods that have a lower GI level for weight loss.
There are many recipes for quinoa, however simply by adding quinoa to your regular dishes such as soups or stews, you will delight in the health benefits of quinoa.
Roast diced red capsicum, sweet potato, carrots, parsnip, onion, and garlic for 30 mins til cooked and serve with a portion of cooked quinoa with salt and pepper to taste.
Cook kale, beetroot, and eggs separately and add to diced cucumber, cherry tomatoes, diced carrots. Toss together in a bowl and add salt and pepper to taste. Allow to cool and add to a generous amount of quinoa. Top dish a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, a few walnuts, cashews, or pine nuts.
Cook pieces of chicken, thighs or breast pieces, in a pot Add salt, pepper, onion and garlic and slowly cook until tender. Add 1 cup of rinsed quinoa and stir for about 5 to 8 minutes, then add diced carrot, red capsicums, corn, zucchini and 1 tin of diced tomatoes, plus any other vegetables you may have on hand. Cook while stirring quinoa for about another 5 minutes or until cooked. Gently break up chicken with a fork and serve soup hot with a topping of grated parmesan cheese.
Enjoy all the health benefits of quinoa nutrition!